Everything I Couldn’t Tell You is a play written by Jeff D’Hondt about an Indigenous client who suffers beyond hope, and two broken therapists who refuse to leave in her pain. Her therapy explores the use of art and music to help correct specific thinking patterns. The book touches on tough topics that Indigenous women are dealing with, the experimentation of music and art in science, and is a tribute to the fading indigenous language of Lenape.
This client came to me in hopes that we could create an conceptual cover for this play with the goal of highlighting struggles that are commonly faced with mental illness in order to give others hope in their own situations. The concept we moved forward with focuses on driving home the meaning of the title. The locked lips represents the main character and how her struggles have become so hard to bare that she is unwilling to allow others to help her. The keys represent the two characters in the book that help her unlock these emotions and try to manage them.